Hamyuts has finally caught up with Volken and Olivia at the Darai Mine. Olivia uses Volken's source of illusion abilities as an attempt to overcome an army of Human Bombs before locating Yluculucu. Meanwhile, Volken finally faces off against Hamyuts. When she reveals that the Shindeki Church was actually created by the Armed Librarians, she catches him off guard, killing him in the process. Lascall, who has been resurrected as a young girl, removes a book from Volken's body, which contains his innocence for Hamyuts to review. Olivia regains her memories of how Charlotte, a plump sorcerer holding a high position of the Shindeki Church, fell in love with her. He was demoted as a Meat as punishment for his mismanagement. It is seen that Olivia was the one who carved the message inside the Silver Smoke. She finally finds Yluculucu inside a cabin, but as Hamyuts starts aiming stones at the cabin, Charlotte appears and shields her from getting hit, causing him to die. It is also seen that Vend Ruga had protected her in the past until he was killed. Olivia uses Yluculucu to return the memories back to all the Meats at the cost of her own life.